Parent responsibilities:
Punctuality: We ask that you arrive 5 minutes before your class time. Every class begins with a warm-up period which is essential for every student. It provides physical and mental preparation for a class and, when performed wholly, can help prevent injuries.
Before Class: Parents should accompany young children to the bathroom before class. Upon arrival, students should store their shoes and outdoor attire in the cubbies provided. Please do not leave them on the bleachers or around the lobby. All parents must watch their children before class and their siblings during the lesson. Parents and siblings are not allowed in the party rooms or mini gym.
Observation Area: Children are not to run, tumble or practice gymnastics in the lobby. They cannot go into the gym without an instructor, and parents must supervise their children in the facility if they are not in class. Planet Gymnastics does not offer bathroom assistance, so please consider staying in the lobby during class, especially for younger children.
After Class: At Planet Gymnastics, we believe as a parent your #1 responsibility is to be supportive of your child. Show your child that you believe they’re great and trying their best. If you are routinely late picking up your child, we may suggest exploring an alternative class time to better match your schedule. We reserve the right to charge a fee for late pick-ups that negatively affect our staff’s schedule. We do not guarantee direct supervision for your child when not picked up on time.
Parent reminders:
- Parents are not allowed in the gym except for adult participation classes, and adults are never allowed on any equipment – no exceptions.
- Planet Gymnastics is not responsible for lost, stolen, broken, or left behind items.
- Per the Natick Board of Health, NO SMOKING or VAPING is allowed in or near our facility.
- Use extra care when driving through our parking lot. Watch for small children, drive slowly, and yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk.
- Aside from Service Animals, there are no pets allowed in the facility.
- Although we want to encourage exercising at home, we do NOT encourage tumbling. DO ask your child what they are doing in class, but never spot skills you are not trained to spot. DO practice safe stretching and safe strength building. We would be happy to share ideas and pointers for safe home exercises.
- We encourage communication between parents and teachers. Get to know your child’s teacher and understand that most communication will mainly be through email.
- Please bring your own water bottles. Be sure to label your bottles.
Child Injury and illness: Please inform us of any physical or medical information regarding your child that would be relevant to their success in class. This information will be kept confidential. If your child cannot attend class due to an injury, a doctor’s note may be required to return and is required for any qualifying payment adjustments.
Staff: Our incredible coaches are specifically selected and trained to bring out the best in each child safely. Planet Gymnastics coaches are USA Gymnastics Safety Certified, First Aid, and CPR certified. All staff participates in training, clinics, and seminars to further their teaching abilities. All Planet Gymnastics staff have access to the staff library, which contains a wealth of information on the latest training techniques and theories of child development.
Dress Code: Please make sure your child is appropriately dressed for class. Baggy and inappropriate clothing creates an unsafe situation for your child and our teachers. If a child is not dressed appropriately, they will not be allowed to participate. A make-up for this class can be scheduled via your Parent Portal.
Appropriate Attire: Leotard, unitard, t-shirt, shorts, non-baggy sweatpants, leggings, ankle-length tights.
Reminders: No student may wear socks. Their feet must be bare at all times. No jeans, corduroys, overalls, or clothes with buckles, belt loops, buttons, or zippers. No tights that cover the feet. No jewelry of any kind. Long hair must be pulled back from face and in a ponytail, when possible.
Affiliations: Planet Gymnastics is recognized by USA Gymnastics as a Member Club. As the national governing body for the sport of gymnastics in the US, we follow their recommendations for safety, curriculum, and staff certification.
Photos and Videos: Photos and videos are occasionally taken at Planet Gymnastics, and visual images of you or your child may be used for publicity purposes in newsletters, posters, and advertising, as well as on social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Safe Sport Policy: Planet Gymnastics of Natick strictly abides by all policies and procedures set forth by the Center for SafeSport, found at Regardless of membership in USA Gymnastics, all individuals are encouraged to report suspected violations of the Center’s SafeSport Code. They can be reported directly to USA Gymnastics by email to or phone at (720) 524-5640. All Members of USA Gymnastics are required to report suspected SafeSport Code violations related to or accompanying sexual misconduct.